Information about student loans
The basic condition for concluding a loan agreement is meeting the income criterion. Starting from the academic year 2023/2024, the maximum income per person in the family entitling them to receive the loan has been set at PLN 3,500.
Student loan - affordable and available throughout the year
Awarded on preferential terms and available throughout the year, these are the main advantages of a student loan. The application process is one-time, and the student will receive the loan throughout the entire period of their studies.
Student loans are granted by selected commercial banks. The preferential terms are made possible through subsidies from the Student Loan Fund, funded by the state budget.
Available all year round for a decision!
You can apply for a student loan throughout the year. The loan decision should be made within 30 days. Students up to the age of 30 or doctoral students under 35 can apply for the loan. An application for a loan can also be submitted by a person applying for studies; in this case, the loan will be paid after obtaining student status.
Student loan - how much and for whom?
You can apply for a student loan regardless of other scholarship benefits received. The loan can be fully guaranteed by the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, so the student does not have to worry about whether their parents' income will allow for adequate loan security.
The student decides on the amount they want to receive from the bank during their studies. You can choose an amount ranging from PLN 400 to PLN 1,000 per month. While receiving the loan, a student can change the amount of funds received, adjusting them to current needs.
Repayment - only after two years after completing studies
Repayment begins only two years after completing studies. This is the time to start working after graduation and stabilize your financial situation.
The loan repayment is on very favorable financial terms - interest is only half of the NBP rediscount rate, and the repayment period is twice the period of receiving the loan, so the graduate repays half of what they received monthly during their studies! For example, a student receiving PLN 800 per month, two years after completing their studies, will repay around PLN 400 per month.
Payment difficulties are not a problem
In case of difficulties with loan repayment, deferment or reduction tools are provided. If a difficult life situation prevents loan repayment, the Minister may partially write off the loan, and in special cases, even in full.
The rules for writing off student loans are defined in Article 102(2) of the Act of 20 July 2018 on Higher Education and Science, as well as in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 20 December 2018 on student loans (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742, as amended).
Documents to download are available on the website:
If a student completes their studies among the top 10% of students, they may receive mandatory loan cancellation of up to 50% of the loan amount!
Upon the borrower's request, the student loan may be canceled by the lending institution:
– by 50% – if the borrower completes studies or doctoral education in the top 1%,
– by 35% – if the borrower completes studies or doctoral education in the group from 1.01% to 5%,
– by 20% – if the borrower completes studies or doctoral education in the group from 5.01% to 10%,
– for the best graduates of first-cycle or second-cycle studies, uniform master's studies, or doctoral schools in a given academic year.
An application in this matter should be submitted to the lending institution along with a certificate confirming the borrower's inclusion in the specified group of the best graduates of either studies or doctoral schools.
List of best graduates
In accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dated December 29, 2018, regarding student loans (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2468), the Rector of the State Vocational University named after Prof. Stanisław Tarnowski in Tarnobrzeg, in agreement with the Student Council, has announced the list of the top 1%, 5%, and 10% of the best graduates of the University. Graduates who have been included in the list are entitled to a 50%, 35%, or 20% cancellation of the student loan if they utilized this form of assistance. The cancellation is granted in accordance with § 13(1)-(4) of the aforementioned regulation.
Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu
ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 50, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg
tel. 15 822 90 15
lub 15 822 90 23
fax. 15 823 57 88
Ze względu na wejście w życie w dniu 25 maja 2018 roku Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych, dalej zwane jako „RODO"), kierując się potrzebą jak najlepszej ochrony Państwa praw wynikających z nowych przepisów, informujemy, iż wprowadziliśmy nową Politykę prywatności, regulującą zasady przetwarzania danych osobowych po dniu 25 maja 2018 roku.
Wprowadzone zmiany mają na celu przede wszystkim podniesienie standardów obsługi oraz bezpieczeństwa przetwarzania Państwa danych osobowych. W nowej wersji Polityki prywatności uszczegółowiliśmy w związku z tym zasady przetwarzania powierzanych nam danych osobowych, dostosowując w ten sposób dotychczasowe rozwiązania do wymogów RODO.
Pełna treść nowej Polityki prywatności dostępna jest tutaj
Nowe dokumenty i procedury obowiązywać będą od dnia 25 maja 2018 roku.
Niezależnie od powyższego, celem realizacji obowiązku informacyjnego wynikającego z art. 13 RODO, przekazujemy Państwu informację nt. podstaw przetwarzania Państwa danych osobowych, tego kto jest administratorem Państwa danych, w jakich celach są one przetwarzane.
Treść klauzuli informacyjnej jest dostępna tutaj
W razie pytań zachęcamy do kontaktu.