Graduates of the State Vocational University named after Prof. Stanisław Tarnowski in Tarnobrzeg. We invite you to submit your diploma theses to the Rector's Award Competition. The competition is open to theses written as part of diploma seminars, carried out in full-time studies of the first and second degree on all study programs in the academic year 2021/2022, submitted by June 30, 2022, and defended by August 31, 2022. Submissions of theses can be made by their supervisors, reviewers, and authors. The main goal of the competition is to popularize fields and disciplines as well as the results of scientific research in the following thematic areas:
1) Internal security,
2) Managerial economics,
3) Finance and accounting,
4) Pedagogy,
5) Nursing.
The laureates of the competition for the best diploma theses in the academic year 2021/2022 are:
Sławomir Zbyrad – graduate of first-degree studies in Internal Security - author of the thesis titled „Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne w kraju w aspekcie rozwoju energii odnawialnej”, supervisor: dr Artur Talik
Joanna Kułakowska – graduate of first-degree studies in Nursing - author of the thesis titled „Realizacja opieki pielęgniarskiej w środowisku domowym wobec pacjentki z wszczepionym stymulatorem serca – studium przypadku”, supervisor: mgr Grażyna Rożek
Klaudia Sepioło – graduate of second-degree studies in Managerial Economics - author of the thesis titled „Ocena wpływu analizy wielokryterialnej na decyzje kierownicze w przedsiębiorstwach województwa podkarpackiego”, supervisor: dr hab. Igor Britchenko, prof. ucz.
Congratulations to the laureates of the competition! :-)
Details of the competition and the form for submitting theses can be found in the regulations.