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The Scientific Circle "GLOBTROTTER" has been gathering students since January 8, 2015. The Circle's activities focus on expanding knowledge in the fields of economics, marketing, and management. Members of the Circle present their scientific and research developments in the form of papers during scientific conferences and post-conference publications. In addition to scientific activities, the Scientific Circle engages its members in tourism and recreational initiatives.

Academic Supervisor

dr Joanna Sepioło

Goals and Tasks

acquiring and expanding general knowledge in the field of economics, management, and marketing,
engaging students in scientific and research activities,
participation in scientific conferences,
developing managerial skills through workshops and certified training,
fostering scientific collaboration with other academic centers,
promoting the University and the field of managerial economics.

Scientific activities

Presentation at the XIV Scientific Conference "Science and Passion Key to Success," WSIiZ Kielnarowa:

  1. Application of Artificial Intelligence Potential in Business.

September 2022


Joanna Sepioło, Joanna Olszowy, "Contemporary Enterprise in the Perspective of Economics, Finance, and Management": published by ARCHAEGRAPH, Łódź 2022. ISBN: 978-83-67527-41-5:

  1. Joanna Sepioło, Joanna Olszowy, Damian Diektiarenko, Anna Stańczyk: Brand-building Strategy as a Key Element of Company Recognition.

  2. Joanna Sepioło, Joanna Olszowy, Klaudia Sepioło: Contemporary Enterprise Management – Assessment of the Impact of Multicriteria Analysis on Management Decisions in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.

May-June 2022


Olszowy J., Sepioło J. "Contemporary Challenges in Economic Sciences, Finance, and Management": published by ARCHAEGRAPH, Łódź 2022. ISBN: 978-83-67074-64-3:

  1. Joanna Sepioło, Joanna Olszowy, Artur Kucwaj: Concepts of Managing a Modern Enterprise – Theory and Practice.

  2. Joanna Olszowy, Joanna Sepioło, Nikola Słapczyńska: Artificial Intelligence and Its Models, and Their Impact on the Reality of E-Business.

  3. Joanna Olszowy, Joanna Sepioło, Edyta Pykosz: Analysis of the Situation in Poland During the Pandemic on the Example of Hotel Services.

  4. Joanna Olszowy, Joanna Sepioło, Estera Diakowska: E-Business During the Pandemic. How the Online Shopping Market Has Changed.

May 2022


Górska A. "New Concepts in Marketing and Economics Management": published by ARCHAEGRAPH, Łódź 2022. ISBN: 978-83-67074-53-7:

  1. Joanna Olszowy, Joanna Sepioło, Alan Śpiewak: Assessment of the Financial Condition of Gaming Industry Companies in the Years 2018-2020, the Covid Pandemic Period – a Case Analysis.

  2. Joanna Sepioło, Joanna Olszowy, Magdalena Cebula: Multifunctionality of Activities of a Modern Manager in Strategic Management of Modern Organizations.

December 23, 2020


Ed. Sepioło J., Kotliński W., "Administration, Organization, Management in the Aspect of the Local Market": published by the Staropolska Higher School in Kielce, Kielce 2020. ISBN: 978-83-63981-42-6:

  1. Sepioło K., Kozioł K., Sepioło J.: Employee Motivation as an Essential Element of Organization Management.

  2. Król S., Sepioło J.: Determinants Shaping the Communication Process at the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center in Sandomierz.

  3. Żyła A. Sepioło J.: The Communication Process in a Public Institution and the Most Common Barriers Lowering Its Quality.

  4. Wrońska M., Pokwapisz A.: The Role of the Project Team in Managing Structural Funds.

  5. Sepioło K., Sepioło J., Kotliński W.: Labor Market and Professional Situation Among Generation Y.

  6. Olszowy J., Kucwaj A.: Innovation in the Era of the Internet.

  7. Gorczyca M., Sepioło J.: Innovative Methods of Managing a Modern Company.

  8. Olszowy J., Kucwaj A., Sułkiewicz E.: Competency-Based Human Resource Management.

  9. Nowak K., Przyłucki J., Krupa J.: Trust in the Team as a Determinant of Effective Company Management.

  10. Olszowy J., Pokwapisz A.: Micro and Macroeconomic Forecasting in a Turbulent Environment.

  11. Olszowy J., Araszkiewicz M.: The Phenomenon of Mobbing in Administrative Organizations.

December 2020

Post-conference publication:

  1. K. Sepioło, A. Zygiert, Business Plan Concept – a Model in a Process Approach. Horizon of Economic Changes and Forecasts.

Other activities

Engaging in activities for the University, as well as promoting courses and the Circle during Open University Days.

April 18, 2023

Participation in the Open Day of the Job and Education Fair, PUZ Tarnobrzeg.

March 25, 2023

Participation in the 1st Project Management Games PMI Podkarpacie, WSIiZ Rzeszów.

December 15, 2022

Conducting the "Safe Money" competition for high school students during Open University Days, PUZ Tarnobrzeg.

September 28, 2022

Training - Time and Self-Management in Time - work time organization, Nowa Dęba.

September 20, 2022

Participation in the training "Effective Communication Aimed at Cooperation and Achieving Team Goals", Nowa Dęba.

August 20, 2022

Participation in the training "Personal Branding – My Strong Brand in Practice", Nowa Dęba.

June 29, 2021

Participation in the online training "Mathematical Games in Kindergarten," Private Educational Institution School 24.pl.

June 29, 2021

Participation in the online training "Business Plan" by PARP.

June 27, 2021

Participation in the online training "Key Competencies in Business" by Zachodniopomorska School of Business.

June 24, 2021

Participation in the online training "Market Research and Product Testing" by PARP.

June 24, 2021

Participation in the online training "Fixed Assets in the Company" by Zachodniopomorska School of Business.

June 24, 2021

Participation in the online training "Strategic Management" by Zachodniopomorska School of Business.

June 22, 2021

Participation in the training "Educational Game Enchanted Ball of Professions" by Staropolska Higher School Kielce.

May 28, 2021

Participation in the training "U KNOW" Call Center Inter Galactica Rzeszów.

November 19, 2020

Participation in the training "Self-Leadership as an Entrepreneurial Student Competence" by the Entrepreneurship Academy Rzeszów.

October 1, 2020

Participation in the online training "Documenting VAT Transactions" by Educational Handmade.

August 25, 2020

Participation in the online training "Canva 2.0 – Innovative Teacher Projects" by the Tax Education Foundation.

Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu

ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 50, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg

tel. 15 822 90 15
lub 15 822 90 23
fax. 15 823 57 88

Drodzy Użytkownicy,

Ze względu na wejście w życie w dniu 25 maja 2018 roku Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych, dalej zwane jako „RODO"), kierując się potrzebą jak najlepszej ochrony Państwa praw wynikających z nowych przepisów, informujemy, iż wprowadziliśmy nową Politykę prywatności, regulującą zasady przetwarzania danych osobowych po dniu 25 maja 2018 roku.
Wprowadzone zmiany mają na celu przede wszystkim podniesienie standardów obsługi oraz bezpieczeństwa przetwarzania Państwa danych osobowych. W nowej wersji Polityki prywatności uszczegółowiliśmy w związku z tym zasady przetwarzania powierzanych nam danych osobowych, dostosowując w ten sposób dotychczasowe rozwiązania do wymogów RODO.
Pełna treść nowej Polityki prywatności dostępna jest tutaj
Nowe dokumenty i procedury obowiązywać będą od dnia 25 maja 2018 roku.
Niezależnie od powyższego, celem realizacji obowiązku informacyjnego wynikającego z art. 13 RODO, przekazujemy Państwu informację nt. podstaw przetwarzania Państwa danych osobowych, tego kto jest administratorem Państwa danych, w jakich celach są one przetwarzane. Treść klauzuli informacyjnej jest dostępna tutaj
W razie pytań zachęcamy do kontaktu.