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Participation requires completion of first and/or second-degree studies.

Human Resource Management

Postgraduate studies in Human Resource Management offer an intriguing opportunity for individuals managing various public institutions, businesses, and those running their own business. It is also suitable for those who wish to broaden their knowledge and acquire new skills. The studies last for two semesters and are conducted in a non-stationary system.

Quality Management

Postgraduate studies in Quality Management provide an attractive educational opportunity for those interested in modern aspects of shaping quality and a systemic approach to quality management within organizations. It is also suitable for individuals looking to enhance their existing knowledge, skills, and social competencies in this field. The studies last for two semesters and are conducted in a non-stationary system.

Organization and Management in Local Government

Postgraduate studies in Organization and Management in Local Government are designed for public administration employees, representatives of Local Government Units, and graduates interested in gaining specialized knowledge in the field of organization and management. It is open to anyone interested in the subject matter.

Tourism Management

Postgraduate studies in Tourism Management are aimed at professionals, entrepreneurs, and managers working in the tourism sector. They are also suitable for graduates interested in acquiring specialized knowledge in management, useful for managerial tasks in tourism organizations, hotels, gastronomy, and agrotourism. The studies last for two semesters and are conducted in a non-stationary system.

Public Administration Management

Postgraduate studies in Public Administration Management offer an attractive option for public administration employees at various levels of state, government, and local government administration, especially middle and senior-level managers. The studies can also be addressed to anyone interested in the subject matter.

Public Procurement

Postgraduate studies in Public Procurement are intended for individuals planning to acquire or deepen their knowledge and competencies in the application of general provisions of the Public Procurement Law, procedures, and processes related to awarding contracts in accordance with the PPL, as well as legal protection measures applied in the Public Procurement Law. This program is suitable for individuals employed in local government units, businesses, healthcare institutions, higher education institutions, or any other institutions participating in public procurement.

Finance and Accounting in Enterprises

Postgraduate studies in Finance and Accounting in Enterprises are an offering for participants who have completed higher education at the bachelor's or master's level in any field. It is designed for those interested in accounting and financial aspects of conducting business activities in profit-making enterprises or other institutions.

We cordially invite you to take advantage of the attractive offer of postgraduate studies organized by the Faculty of Technical and Economic Sciences at the State Vocational University named after Prof. Stanisław Tarnowski in Tarnobrzeg.

Finance and Accounting


Educational Objective

The aim of the studies is to provide current knowledge in the field of accounting and finance in enterprises and to develop practical skills in using financial tools and instruments in management and bookkeeping.

Tuition Costs

The tuition fee for the studies is 2600 PLN (1300 PLN/semester). The fee for the preparation and issuance of the certificate confirming the completion of postgraduate studies is 30 PLN.

There is the option to split the semester fee into installments.

Account Number

20 9434 0002 2001 1000 1772 0003

Cooperative Bank in Tarnobrzeg

ul. Sokola 12, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg

Payment Title:

First name and last name, postgraduate studies: FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING IN ENTERPRISES

(with the appropriate note: "I semester", "II semester")

Organization and Management


Educational Objective

The aim of the studies is to prepare professionals for the effective organization and management in Local Government Units, as well as other organizations and public administration offices.

Tuition Costs

The tuition fee for the studies is 2400 PLN (1200 PLN/semester). The fee for the preparation and issuance of the certificate confirming the completion of postgraduate studies is 30 PLN.

In special cases, there is the option to split the semester fee into installments.

Account Number

20 9434 0002 2001 1000 1772 0003

Cooperative Bank in Tarnobrzeg

ul. Sokola 12, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg

Payment Title:

First name and last name, postgraduate studies: ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS

(with the appropriate note: "I semester", "II semester")

Public Procurement


Educational Objective

The aim of the studies is to provide participants with knowledge and skills in the field of public procurement, including the development, implementation, and improvement of proposals, as well as the use of selected methods for risk assessment and project management.

Tuition Costs

The tuition fee for the studies is 2600 PLN (1300 PLN/semester). The fee for the preparation and issuance of the certificate confirming the completion of postgraduate studies is 30 PLN.

In special cases, there is the option to split the semester fee into installments.

Account Number

20 9434 0002 2001 1000 1772 0003

Cooperative Bank in Tarnobrzeg

ul. Sokola 12, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg

Payment Title:

First name and last name, postgraduate studies: PUBLIC PROCUREMENT

(with the appropriate note: "I semester", "II semester")

Quality Management


Postgraduate studies in quality management offer an attractive program for individuals interested in modern aspects of shaping quality and adopting a systematic approach to quality management in organizations. Participation requires completion of first and/or second-degree studies.


The total tuition fee for the entire program is 2600 PLN: 1300 PLN for the first semester, and 1300 PLN for the second semester.

There is an option to spread the semester fee into installments.

The fee for preparing and issuing the certificate of completion of postgraduate studies is 30 PLN.

Account Number:

20 9434 0002 2001 1000 1772 0003

Cooperative Bank in Tarnobrzeg

ul. Sokola 12, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg

Payment Title:

First name and last name, postgraduate studies - QUALITY MANAGEMENT

(with the appropriate note: "I semester", "II semester")

Public Administration Management


Educational Goal

The studies prepare civil servants to operate efficiently at various levels of public administration (state, government, and local government). Participants acquire knowledge, skills, and social competencies in the areas of management, administrative law, and public administration.

Tuition Costs

The tuition fee for the program is 2400 PLN (1200 PLN per semester). The fee for preparing and issuing the certificate of completion of postgraduate studies is 30 PLN.

In special cases, there is an option to spread the semester fee into installments.

Account Number

20 9434 0002 2001 1000 1772 0003

Cooperative Bank in Tarnobrzeg

ul. Sokola 12, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg

Payment Title:

First name and last name, postgraduate studies - PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT

(with the appropriate note: "I semester", "II semester")

Tourism Management


Educational Goal

The aim of the studies is to prepare highly qualified personnel for professional management in tourism organizations.

Tuition Costs

The tuition fee for the program is 2400 PLN (1200 PLN per semester). The fee for preparing and issuing the certificate of completion of postgraduate studies is 30 PLN.

In special cases, there is an option to spread the semester fee into installments.

Account Number

20 9434 0002 2001 1000 1772 0003

Cooperative Bank in Tarnobrzeg

ul. Sokola 12, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg

Payment Title:

First name and last name, postgraduate studies - TOURISM MANAGEMENT

(with the appropriate note: "I semester", "II semester")

Human Resource Management


Postgraduate studies in Human Resource Management offer an exciting opportunity for individuals managing various public institutions, businesses, as well as those engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Participation requires completion of undergraduate or/and graduate studies.

The total tuition fee is 2600 PLN: 1300 PLN for the first semester, and 1300 PLN for the second semester.

There is an option to spread the semester fee into installments.

The fee for preparing and issuing the certificate of completion of postgraduate studies is 30 PLN.

Account Number:

20 9434 0002 2001 1000 1772 0003

Cooperative Bank in Tarnobrzeg

ul. Sokola 12, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg

Payment Title:

First name and last name, postgraduate studies - HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

(with the appropriate note: "I semester", "II semester")

Courses & Training


Offer Departament of Technical and Economic Sciences

No. Training/Workshop Name
1 Training preparing for the hotel management exam
2 Training preparing for the tourist traffic service exam
3 IT training
4 Office service training
5 Accounting training
6 Specialist in the sale of gastronomic services
7 Tour guide course
8 Course in shaping the quality of the product and management process

Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu

ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 50, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg

tel. 15 822 90 15
lub 15 822 90 23
fax. 15 823 57 88

Drodzy Użytkownicy,

Ze względu na wejście w życie w dniu 25 maja 2018 roku Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych, dalej zwane jako „RODO"), kierując się potrzebą jak najlepszej ochrony Państwa praw wynikających z nowych przepisów, informujemy, iż wprowadziliśmy nową Politykę prywatności, regulującą zasady przetwarzania danych osobowych po dniu 25 maja 2018 roku.
Wprowadzone zmiany mają na celu przede wszystkim podniesienie standardów obsługi oraz bezpieczeństwa przetwarzania Państwa danych osobowych. W nowej wersji Polityki prywatności uszczegółowiliśmy w związku z tym zasady przetwarzania powierzanych nam danych osobowych, dostosowując w ten sposób dotychczasowe rozwiązania do wymogów RODO.
Pełna treść nowej Polityki prywatności dostępna jest tutaj
Nowe dokumenty i procedury obowiązywać będą od dnia 25 maja 2018 roku.
Niezależnie od powyższego, celem realizacji obowiązku informacyjnego wynikającego z art. 13 RODO, przekazujemy Państwu informację nt. podstaw przetwarzania Państwa danych osobowych, tego kto jest administratorem Państwa danych, w jakich celach są one przetwarzane. Treść klauzuli informacyjnej jest dostępna tutaj
W razie pytań zachęcamy do kontaktu.